Monday, February 7, 2011

Of Steelers and Beards

Well the dust has settled, and Pittsburgh are, as many Americans love to put it, the first losers. But take heart Steelers Nation, there was one manly battle where you can proudly claim victory. "What is that?" you may ask. Well, if you really don't know, then you have dropped the ball as a fan, but I am here to illuminate you. One of the few things more manly than a game of football is . . . beards, of course! And Pittsburgh DE Brett Keisel is the rightful NFL champion of facial fur. I mean, just LOOK at that lion's mane. It is truly a glorious sight. In fact, the NFL Network recently compiled the Top 10 Beards in NFL history, inspired purely by Keisel and featuring him atop the list. His beard has its own Facebook fan page, it is the subject of questions at press conferences, and there is even a website ( dedicated to letting users decorate their own photos with Keisel's excellent beard. Unfortunately, now that the season is done, all signs point to this magnificent beast suffering an untimely death. All good things must come to an end, I suppose. However, despite failing to collect any new jewelry at the end of the season, the 2010 Steelers can always look back with pride and know that they had in their ranks the best beard in all of football.

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